Dwyer Murphy Calvert was founded in 2006 and carefully built to offer expert counsel to startups, entrepreneurs, growing companies and investors. Since that time, we’ve maintained our singular focus and deepened our collective knowledge and capabilities. Just as importantly, we’ve sustained our passion for pathfinding and problem-solving, working diligently to help clients accomplish their objectives.

Concentrated experience and expertise.
Collectively, the DMC team has spent more than thirteen decades working in business and transactional law. We have the big-firm credentials, historical perspective, sophisticated legal knowledge and technical skills needed to get things right the first time.

Efficiency with finesse.
DMC clients have ambitious goals and sky-high vision, but timelines and budgets are not infinite. Our team knows how certain processes, negotiations and deals usually go — and how to avoid potential pitfalls. We also know when unique circumstances call for creative approaches and which fights are worth fighting. We’re here to help clients spend their time and budget wisely.

No jerks allowed.
In the work we do, relationships matter. Being a good team player is critical when you’re working side-by-side with clients. Building rapport on all sides is crucial to the success of every interaction, negotiation and transaction. At DMC, legal expertise and proficiency matter — of course they do — but so do people skills and attitude.

We love what we do.
Every professional on the DMC team chose our smaller, “boutique” platform because they wanted to work more closely with clients. We’re passionate about adding genuine value to each client’s organization. And we’re glad you’re here.

*All data points are as recent as January 1, 2022.